Netflix has joined the Decentaland metaverse by launching a replica of a maze found in its recent film, “The Gray Man” starring Ryan Gosling. The aim is to complete the maze as quickly as possible using one’s knowledge of the film to win digital wearables featured in the movie. ...

Web3 has become the most sought-after investment sector of 2022, as use cases for nonfungible tokens (NFTs), the Metaverse and other blockchain applications come to fruition. ...

Consumer goods company Unilever is embracing web3 and the metaverse. Unilever owns a raft of household names, including Magnum, Ben & Jerry’s, Vaseline, Dove, Hellmann’s mayo and 400 others. ...

The Ministry of Economic Development of Italy has announced that certain blockchain projects will qualify to apply for up to $46 million in government subsidies starting from September ...

By investing such a tremendous amount, GEM Digital will hold H20N tokens, which will be used to guide funding in water delivery infrastructure in areas that lack sufficient access to fresh water. ...

Novi’s website landing page has been revamped to inform pilot users that the platform will be decommissioned on September 1. This ends an eight-month-long pilot project that saw users based in the United States and Guatemala trial the cryptocurrency-powered payment platform ...

Cristiano Ronaldo, one of football’s biggest stars, has inked a sponsorship deal with crypto exchange Binance, becoming the latest celebrity to strike a lucrative partnership with a digital asset firm despite the crisis gripping the sector ...

Qatar Airways announced that it had launched its first metaverse experience, QVerse. This virtual reality platform allows interested parties can virtually visit and navigate the Premium Check-in area at the International Airport of Hamad (HIA) ...

Customers of Vodafone Cash and CalBank have been granted the opportunity to test the online version of Bank of Ghana’s Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), the eCedi. ...

EMTECH, a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Infrastructure provider based in the United States join forces with HaitiPay, a fintech company in Haiti, to demo its first CBDC + Fintech Proof Of Concept whiles revealing its impact on the Haitian economy. ...